Medical Facilities

Health Clinics in Yaounde

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU)
Dr. Elie Nkawbong (gynecology) +237 677 45 01 04 / +237 699 66 38 43
Dr. Tayou  +237 693 06 00 83

Centre Médico-Social de l’ambassade de France
Dr. Raphael Bouyne and Dr. Tang Ngono Michel +237 222 23 01 39
After Hours Emergency Numbers: +237 699 93 41 69 or +237 671 85 99 74

Hôpital Jamot (Mental health counseling)
Dr. Jean-Pierre Kamga Olen +237 674 55 29 53
Dr. Josiane Olembe +237 677 28 26 24 

Travel and study in a foreign country can be very strenuous and in the event of an illness, you should use your common sense about whether or not to seek outside help.  You should speak with your host family and/or director before agreeing to treatment from a particular local clinic or doctor.

Psychological Health and Counseling

Students should be very realistic about their abilities to function in a high-stress environment.  Cameroon is a difficult place to live, and rather than disappearing in the new surroundings, conditions like depression and eating disorders are often exacerbated by a stay in Cameroon.  Psychological counseling services are available in Cameroon, though more limited than students find on their home campuses.  Students with particular concerns in this area are encouraged to consult with International Programs at Middlebury College prior to departure.