Program Costs & Student Expenses

Approximate Program Costs

The following website provides an estimate of program costs for full and half-year students. Middlebury College will bill you for the program fee and housing (as well as the $1,600 per semester study abroad fee for Middlebury students); the remaining expenses will be out-of-pocket.  Figures may vary depending on individual lifestyles and situations.

Please note that the “personal” figure covers only some basic necessities and does not and is not intended to include students’ discretionary spending (e.g. entertainment and travel).

These figures are used for determining financial aid awards for Middlebury College students and cannot be adjusted to account for fluctuating exchange rates.


In general, you should plan to spend as much in a given month in Israel as youShekels-50 would at home. Keep in mind that the amount of money you spend ultimately depends on the lifestyle you choose, (and on exchange rates that can vary from month to month).  One School in Israel staff member noted, “I would even make a direct relationship here: the less money you spend, the better the experience.  Think of yourselves as travelers rather than tourists. The more money you spend, the more you alienate yourself from the Israeli experience and miss a main point of the program.”