Medical & Psychological Care

Travel and study in a foreign country can be very strenuous.  It is important that you take action immediately when an illness or injury occurs.

When you are sick in China, you need to be patient at a time when you may feel least able to be so; hospital visits can sometimes take hours.  Such experiences can test your cultural sensitivity.

In the event of an illness, use your common sense about whether or not to seek outside help. Degrees of helpfulness vary as greatly from institution to institution as they do from individual to individual. You should speak with one of the staff members in all cases of serious illness and before agreeing to hospitalization.

Adequate and inexpensive medical and hospital services are available in China, and typically are covered through your GeoBlue health insurance.

Medical Facilities in Beijing

Both international and Chinese hospitals are available in Beijing. International hospitals are staffed by English-speaking doctors and nurses. Some psychological services are also available. Options for treatment frequently chosen by students include, but are not limited to, the following:

Beijing United Family Hospital: 2 Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District,24-hour Service Center: 4008-919191/24h Emergency hotline: (010) 5927 7120

Beijing United Family Medical Center: 9-11 West Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District  tel.  +86 (10) 5927 7008

United Family Financial Street Clinic (closest United Family clinic to CNU):109 Taipingqiao Avenue, Xicheng District tel.   +86 (10) 6621 7939

United Family Wudaokou Clinic (also close to CNU): 1st Floor, Building D, Tsinghua Tongfang Hi-Tech Plaza, 1 Wangzhuang Lu, Haidian District, tel. +86 (10) 8236 6918

BJM Mental Health Center in United Family New Hope Clinical Center: 9-11 West Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District  tel. +86 (10) 5927 7008

International Medical Center: S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District; tel. (10)6465-1561/2/3

Peking Union Medical College Hospital (Dongdan campus): No.1 Shuaifuyuan; Wangfujing Dongcheng District ; tel.(10)-66016199

Psychological Health & Counseling

Students should be very realistic about their abilities to function in a high-stress environment.  China is a difficult place in which to live, and, rather than disappearing in the new surroundings, conditions like depression and eating disorders are often exacerbated by a stay in China. Extremely limited psychological counseling services are available in China, and they are not provided by Beijing staff. Students with particular concerns in this area are encouraged to consult with staff at Middlebury prior to departure.